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Ernest is an article written by Ash9876.
Now that we are Admirals, simply "surviving" isn't good enough. We have to win every battle.

—Ernest to Azrael.[1]

"Kanto" Ernest is an Admiral[3] of the Marines promoted from Vice Admiral[2] following the failed Buster Call of Canworth Island. Ernest was originally promoted merely to hide the failures of the Marines in plain sight, transforming the wasted deaths of his comrades into martyrdom. The extreme trauma that Ernest suffered from this incident, combined with the stasis of his body's development, lead him to be isolated from on-site Admiral duties, delegating tasks and orders through his subordinates.[5]

Ernest's period of isolation came to an end following Carter Pine's betrayal and Azrael's promotion.[6][7] He wishes to make up for the time lost through his inactivity and give credence to his claim as an Admiral, seeking to be equal to his peers.


Ernest Leo Full

Ernest's general appearance.


The most defining feature of Ernest's personality is in fact present in his own name: his earnest nature. Above all else, Ernest pursues his job as a marine with complete sincerity. He is not interested in the money, glory or any other shortcuts available to someone of his stature. Within his heart, Ernest wishes to pursue the path that would lead to the peace of this world. Because of this, even when confronted with superiors and those who speak in colder logic than he does, he speaks openly with his mind and heart. When conducting actions on behalf of the World Government, he does not pursue violence as the first answer. While he believes that pirates are ultimately generators of chaos, they are not the root cause of the chaos that afflicts the modern citizen. He wishes to find the deeper answer, even if it means he has to confront those that are said to bring order to this world.

Ernest is a sincere person, but he is also a soldier inflicted with severe trauma. The events of Canworth Island ring deep in his mind every night. As he sleeps, the image of those Vice Admirals, those normal Marine rank and file, all being killed and brutalized by the Xros Pirates continues to play back in his mind. Ernest has constantly attempted to improve himself past this incident. He wishes to be strong enough so that he may prevent the unnecessary sacrifice of his comrades. He hopes to be smart enough to possess the foresight needed to prevent his friends from heading into such battles. However, at the root of it all is fear. Ernest fears failure of that degree deeply, to the point where despite having achieved Admiral, he has shirked from several of his duties on-site and has primarily stuck to logistical work. Despite the chaos in the world, Ernest finds it difficult to even raise his fist. Even if he can parade confidence, in the face of a threat even remotely similar he begins to shrivel up. Ernest finds this part of himself most shameful, and hides it from others as best as possible, while recognizing that his status as an Admiral is constantly in question as a consequence.

Ernest believes in "Necessary Justice" (所要正義 Shoyō Seigi?). It is an ideal form of justice that requires enough force to immediately subdue criminal activity the instant it is perceived, with measures taken after the crime has been subdued for it to no longer work again. Ernest has come to this form of justice after several years of working as a Marine. He has seen the rampant effects of Absolute Justice, with its aftermath simply leading to a propagation in crime by those left behind. He has also seen the opposing effects of Humane Justice, where not enough effort was put into eradicating the source of the crime, allowing those who were spared to fester corrupt thoughts once more. Much like his senior, Kurama, Ernest also holds the belief that Pirates and crime will never be truly extinguished. Where order exists, chaos will naturally disturb it. At the same time, Ernest's sincerity cannot agree with Kurama's philosophy of using people as a resource. Ernest firmly believes that eliminating the personal agency of people will backfire on those attempting to control said people. As such, Ernest's justice is one rooted in speaking to the heart of both the criminal and the victim. His approach to piracy is often criticized to be lenient, by both his superiors and even his junior officers, but he continues to persist with these tactics even if they cause his own suffering. After all, he has seen with his own eyes, good people destined to greatness, turn to a life of crime merely to avoid confronting their own pain.




Out of all the Marines in the world, Ernest most admires Kurama. This admiration does not stem from something like a familial attachment or friendship, but rather, it stems from the fact that Kurama had been responsible for saving his life. When Ernest was no more than a bumbling toddler, Kurama coincidentally encountered him while stopping over in an island to conduct maintenance on the marine vessel he was on. To Kurama, the sight of Ernest struggling so much despite his weakness was both a matter of joy, and sadness. It was joy to see Ernest grasping at his strength to survive, and sadness to observe the weakness of his parents who would abandon a defenseless child. With Ernest's best intentions in mind, Kurama had sent him on his way to Tália.

During his days in Tália, Ernest did not encounter Kurama again. However, memories of his hand reaching out seemed to always stick with the man. He saw the insignia of the Marines on his coat, and he saw the insignia of the Marines plastered on this island. Ernest knew he had to work hard to pay back his debt to the man. Years later, following yet another immense tragedy, Ernest had finally made it to the Marines. Although he was weak at first, he sacrificed his humanity for the sake of strength, all to take a chance to stand equal to that man.

Just when Ernest thought he was close, he knew he was still too far away. Ernest, despite admiring Kurama, could not dare to even sit in the same room as him without feeling the enormous weight of his power and charisma.[8] No matter the fear that Ernest felt from Kurama's presence, there was never a time that he felt unsafe with the Fleet Admiral. To Ernest, the Fleet Admiral was someone to aspire towards, as the ideal Marine that truly could save the world. As Ernest grew in power and, indeed, eventually became an Admiral, he soon found himself to be once more indebted to the Fleet Admiral's assistance. Through his machinations, Kurama forced Ernest to awaken into both the justice he truly seeks, and the power that was always within him.[9]

Till this day, Kurama is an object of admiration for Ernest. Yet, over time, as Ernest and Kurama have come to share their opinions and battles together, Ernest has developed what he would consider an almost mentor-student bond with the Fleet Admiral. Although Ernest believes that the gap between them is still insurmountable, he is still happy to stand next to him in battle against the injustices of the world. Ernest does not believe in all of Kurama's actions, and neither does Kurama believe in all of Ernest's actions. However, as fellow Admirals, they have come to an understanding that no matter their differences, both of their goals still seek to bring about justice and protect the common man.


Strato Varius[]


Rena Argo[]

...And apologies to you, Rena Argo. All I can feel from every word you speak is guilt...and a wish to end everything. I cannot claim to know the truth of the Endless Night, but...If there comes a point where you can no longer carry your pain and guilt, seek me out. I will grant you the death you desire so much. I hope...that even you can be happy at the end of everything.

—Ernest to Rena Argo.[10]

Abilities and Powers[]

As an Admiral, Ernest has the authority to initiate a Buster Call on any island that he personally deems dangerous,[11] and may even grant this right to those of inferior ranking to himself. Furthermore, his position also allows him to revoke the status of the Shichibukai.[12]

With respect to his strength as a combatant, Ernest is a premier fighter of the Marines, who is dispatched on the front lines of dangerous missions repeatedly.[13][14][15][16] He has fought several powerful opponents and lived to tell the tale, including Dao[13], Daddy L. Legs[17], William Parker[18], Poe A. Edgar[19] and Garfield Bun.[20] Although not able to land concrete victories against most of these opponents due to extrenuating circumstances, Ernest demonstrated enough skill to kill Bun, a heavyweight of the Xros Pirates, with but a single blow, despite his boasts on being a Feeder.[20]

Ernest was also highly revered among both enemies and allies for his prowess even while he was a Vice Admiral. Several considered him a worthy candidate for the Admiral position,[21][22] although he personally never considered himself on the same level as the others. Notorious Pirates, including the likes of Daddy L. Legs[23] and Grimoire Artis[24] have praised his prowess despite his youth, and believe he holds considerable talent.

Body Modifications[]

Ernest is an individual whose body has been modified through extensions of the Pacifista project initially spearheaded by Vegapunk.[25] Although he wished to be part of this program, it was a compulsion brought about by his innate physical frailty due to repeated failed experiments at Tália.[26] Much of Ernest's reputation as the "Devil's Bane" (魔王の滅人 Maō no Metsujin?)[2] comes from the nature of his cybernetic enhancements, which have the potential to completely shut down the abilities of Devil Fruit users.

Following several years of isolation, training and more refined experiments, Ernest has been reborn into a near-perfect cybernetic organism. His adjustments have been noted by Ford Henrietta to be fully complete.[27] Similarly, his cyclical energy consumption was so potent it even overwhelmed Azrael upon first use, before Azrael finally remembered the truth of his abilities.[28]


Main article: Ambrinyte

Ambrinyte (生息金 (アモブリナイト), Amoburinaito; lit. "Living, Breathing Metal") is a unique form of metal discovered by Ambrosius Amrita during a campaign where she, Azrael and Ernest were tasked with bringing down Golias Dave, Apples Slither and Ark Noa's respective crews. The ensuing conflict nearly destroyed the island, making it extremely difficult to find, but the first known effect of Ambrinyte was resurrecting Amrita from a comatose state many years ago. This lead the World Government to seek out the metal, refine it, and use it to advance on their Pacifista system.[29]

Ambrinyte's distinct property is that it is a living organism that has taken upon a metallic form. Unlike other metals, Ambrinyte appears to react to stimuli and evolve to better meet the challenge over a period of time. These changes are not instant, but when they take place, they appear to place the user in a form of metamorphosis. This is very clear with the progression of Ernest's own powers. When Ernest was a Vice Admiral, his mechanical components were based in elemental output of various kinds.[30] Following the trauma of Canworth Island, Ernest's powers were notably static for several years. Despite the intense trauma suffered by Ernest, his body did not adapt to the changes like they used to, leading him to be closed off for several years due to his power being in no way sufficient to stand against an Admiral's own. It was only in 1580, four years after the incident, that the Ambrinyte reconfigured the key strengths of Ernest's modification into energy generation, conversion and efficiency.[31] This extremely specific niche that was covered by Ernest's body enabled him to take on Aesop's Endless Energy Generation Loop and actually survive the process, where it had failed a hundred times prior.[32]

Ambrinyte, as a metal, is much more durable than average human skin, but is no more durable than high-quality steel available for weapons. After all, its main draw is not in how much it can endure punishment, but rather, how it grows from said punishment. That said, the metal is surprisingly heat-proof and very compatible to other substances being sewn into it. It can withstand the intense heat from Ernest's fighting style with little issue, and similarly allow modified Seastone to project all over Ernest's body with little change in function.[33]


Main article: Seascales
Ernest Seastone

Ernest's Seascales manifesting.

Seascales (海楼鱗, Kairōrin) are an invention by Ecneics Tseddam. They are an extremely refined and microscopic version of Seastone that enables the limited material to be used in more widespread applications with considerably less waste. The seastone micro-particles are intentionally separated so they each possess a large air pocket, enabling their size and crystallization to expand when in contact with excess heat.[34]

Seascales are normally immovable objects, but Ernest's highly refined modifications and combat skill enable him to subtly manipulate the direction that the stalagmites propagate, which grants him incredible flexibility when using Seascales as an offensive and defensive tool. Ultimately, Seascales serve a greater purpose as armor for Ernest. He can, very easily, withstand attacks of the greatest scale and receive minimal damage due to the sheer protective power of Seastone, even if Seascales do not possess the same potency.[35] Seascales also serve as his greatest weapon against Devil Fruit users, for it forces them into unfavorable situations when confronting Ernest in order to avoid touching his Seascales directly. This incredible advantage against Devil Fruit users is the reason for his initial epithet as "The Devil's Bane", and continues to be one of his signature characteristics in combat.

The biggest downside to Ernest's Seascales is that, to some degree, they are active at all times. When individuals touch him, they do feel a slight weakening effect if they are Devil Fruit users.[36] When his Seascales are crystallized, this effect becomes even more potent. However, more importantly, the weight and size of the seascales makes it difficult for him to move around freely unless Ernest expends even more energy which, depending on the stake of the battle, can truly change the tides in his favor.

Aesop System[]

Main article: Datto and Kikou

Datto and Kikou, also recognized as the Endless Energy Generation Loop is the signature modification of Ernest and the reason for his current power level. It is a system of energy transformations, transfers and loops in order to consistently maintain maximum energy output without any expenditure. It was merely a theoretical experiment that failed over a hundred times until the miracle of Ernest's Ambrinyte modifications were unveiled to Aesop. A unique combat modification that can only exist for Ernest and no other, almost as if the Admiral had consumed a Devil Fruit of his own.

Datto is the first of the two systems, and Ernest's default state. All heat generated through Ernest's normal processing is kept circulating within Ernest's body, enabling him to effortlessly generate powerful flames, beams of light, or more importantly, enhance his physical power to its utmost. When in Datto, Ernest's speed matches the fastest of opponents, encroaching even the likes of the Pika Pika no Mi should he seek to do so.

Kikou is the second of the two systems, which makes use of the Seascales across his body. It is a energy withholding system that manages to contain the exerted heat from Ernest's combat into the outer layer of his skin, which then funnels across the Seascales along his whole body. Through careful distribution of this heat by Ernest's processors, Ernest transforms what would otherwise be impractical stalagmite along his body into a practical suit of armor and weapons. The Seascales are powerful weapons and armor alike, that enable him to shut down many Devil Fruit powers with ease, and otherwise fight against offensive powerhouses with minimal damage sustained to himself.

The true power of Datto and Kikou is not in the individual systems, however, it's the feedback between them. As Ernest becomes inactive through the slow-moving Kikou, the excess heat within the top of his body is drawn back into his engines and processors, thus being reused for Datto once more. It is this endless transition between two extremes that enables Ernest to fight and win against virtually all opponents. Moreover, the virtually zero energy consumption of this system enables him to fight battles for days on end with no rest, becoming an unstoppable opponent when he truly becomes serious.

Physical Abilities[]

Ernest's augmentations as a Pacifista have always provided him with significant physical enhancements. Compared to the average human, he does not need training of any kind to maintain his power. Once given to him, it merely exists, and requires a consciousness to guide it. Following his body's remodelling, Ernest has also acquired significant increases to his physical augmentations, by virtue of the energy flow systems that he possesses.

Ernest's most distinguished physical characteristics are his speed, reflexes and agility; ever since his days as a Vice Admiral, Ernest has been able to keep up with extremely swift opponents with his augmentations, which are only further enhanced by modifications such as jet engine boots.[37][38] Ernest's sheer speed of movement is virtually unmatched, being able to traverse incredible distances in very short periods of time. Within battle, he can displace himself midst motion and become invisible even to the seasoned eye. At its highest, his speed is so incredible that he can initiate a slashing attack in front of his enemy, displace himself to appear behind them, and then finish the attack by striking at both points simultaneously.[39] Yet, it is not Ernest's sheer speed that distinguishes him. There are individuals that, with enough power and practice, will surpass him in raw movement speed. What those people do not have is the motor control and sensory systems that Ernest is blessed with. Ernest, through his modifications, no longer suffers any recoil from his extreme speed. This means, unlike other high-speed fighters, Ernest is capable of effortlessly adjusting his strikes and positions while engaging in high-speed combat.[40] Ernest's ability to adjust attacks mid-motion is his most coveted, and feared ability, even by masters of Kenbunshoku Haki, for their predictions, preparations and reactions are often based on the initiated attack, not the attack that Ernest concludes with.

Ernest Strength

Ernest's physical strength in action.

Ernest's physical strength is considerable, although not to the extent of his mobility. However, where he lacks in raw physical output, he can supplement with other mechanical modifications. He often strengthens his attacks with flames or light to compensate for any weaknesses. That said, his power is by no means weak. Even as a Vice Admiral, Ernest has always used his mechanical modifications to enhance his physical strength, and managed to, after breaking his limiters, release enough physical power to deflect a punch from the titanic Fukuoka Koyuki, albeit becoming exhausted thereafter.[41] When backed up by the momentum of his speed, Ernest displays enough raw power to effortlessly cut through a Vampire's body bare-handed.[40]

Ernest Durability

Ernest easily blocking a bladed attack from a Mink.

Because Ernest's modifications were initially for him to swiftly kill or maim opponents with Devil Fruits, the extent of his durability and endurance have not been seen in combat. However, because of the continuous energy provided through his Aesop System, it is theorized that he can battle at full strength for much longer than even the other Admirals. When clad in his Seascales, Ernest's durability reaches tremendous levels. Even after partially redirecting a fully powered attack from Azrael, who had regained his memory, Ernest did not display much in the way of injury from the strike, nor exhaustion from using multiple powerful attacks consecutively.[42]

Fighting Style[]

Main article: Moon Rabbit's Crater

For several years, Ernest struggled with the identity of his core fighting style. Prior to his ascent to Admiral, Ernest primarily relied on Rokushiki and had mastered all six techniques perfectly, even employing advanced variations used by the likes of Bambina with little difficulty.[43] Despite his mastery over the style and the clear preference that plenty of Marines showed it, for both its efficiency and power, there was something that Ernest seemed to lack whenever he made use of the style. After losing the majority of his elemental powers due to the reorganization of his body's priorities, Ernest realized that because of his enhanced physicality as a cyborg, Ernest never truly needed to learn the depths of Rokushiki's origins. While he was a master of the technique, he did not understand the fundamentals of the style.

Following training with Strato Varius, Ernest understood exactly what his new body and mind excelled at, and came to the conclusion now recognized as the Moon Rabbit's Crater. Rokushiki is a fighting style that took the concept of a human body's limits in various areas of combat and surpassed them, thus requiring incredible control of one's body and energy flow to pull off successfully. Ernest was fundamentally a different type of being, he could no longer be compatible with Rokushiki. Instead, Moon Rabbit's Crater is a fighting style that emphasizes Ernest's mastery of the flow of energy within his body. Most organic beings possess a limit to how much they can truly control the flow of energy within their body. While masters of Martial Arts can almost fully grasp their body's energy and weaponize it to release pulses of raw power, they are still bound by the human limitation of wasted energy. Ernest does not possess this limitation, and it is for this reason that each and every one of his strikes is exceptionally methodical and precise. After being inspired by his conflict against William Parker, Ernest is able to analyze and release exact amounts of kinetic force in every one of his strikes, making him an incredibly difficult opponent to face in battle, for he can match and surpass virtually any form of Martial Arts except for the very strongest.

Ernest's proficiency with Moon Rabbit's Crater is unparalleled, as expected of an Admiral. Due to his previous mastery over Rokushiki's motions, he applies those same concepts to the techniques of Moon Rabbit's Crater effortlessly. He can effortlessly clash with Admiral-level Shigan and Soru-based attacks with his own variations of said techniques.[44] However, the techniques Ernest uses are not merely imitations of the Rokushiki. Ernest's martial arts is not a culmination of forms and maneuvers, for as an android those techniques can be learned passively. Rather, his true martial arts is the ability to transform any combat movement into its greatest potential. Under Ernest's guidance, a simple punch could release a line of hyper-condensed pressure, or an explosion of force that could crush fortresses. It does not matter what kind of technique Ernest makes use of, under his guidance, it shall become the perfect expression of power for any situation it faces and is a reflection of Ernest's vision of justice.


Like all Marines ranked Vice Admiral or above, Ernest is capable of using both forms of Haki. Ernest's mastery of Haki is less expansive compared to his fellow Admirals, but his Pacifista upgrades have enabled him to carve out a niche that, like all of his powers, assists in completely overpowering Devil Fruit users.

Busoshoku Haki[]

Kenbunshoku Haki[]




  • (To Bernie R. Alexis) "To say justice is the same as saying the law is blind. Justice is the service one must pay for committing sin. Whether that is punishment, or at the hands of they who deal justice. When our friends and family are killed before our eyes...The justice we serve is not unbiased. It is a justice full of anger."[45]
  • (To Strato Varius) "If you wish to seek revenge as a form of must be ready to mete it with your own hands, no matter how bloody they get. If you feel they have been bloodied beyond repair...then you must observe your own justice again. That is all."[46]


  1. Trial and Error: Ernest lectures Azrael.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Exposed Secrets: Ernest is labeled as a Vice Admiral, with the epithet of "The Devil's Bane"
  3. 3.0 3.1 World War X: Ernest is promoted to Admiral by Charter Spring.
  4. Gathering: Ernest is referred by the name "Kanto"
  5. Holy Demon: Ernest gives orders to Keanu Reeves through Den Den Mushi.
  6. An Ernest Reunion: Ernest makes a public appearance in a Marine festival.
  7. Justice's New Wings: Ernest takes part in the conference for deciding the new Admiral.
  8. The Tiger Marks His Prey: Ernest feels suffocated in the same room with Kurama and Fuyuki.
  9. The Meaning of Power: Through their sparring match, Kurama awakens Ernest into his true power and resolve.
  10. Obsidian Glass.
  11. One Piece Manga — Vol. 38 Chapter 359
  12. One Piece Manga — Vol. 72 Chapter 713
  13. 13.0 13.1 Exposed Secrets: Ernest is assigned to fight Dao, a dangerous Revolutionary and leader of the Black Dragon Society.
  14. Marine Emergency Call: Ernest is assigned to protect El Dorado from Daddy L. Legs herself.
  15. Beyond the Scope: Ernest is assigned to Canworth's Buster Call, albeit unaware of the Xros' station there.
  16. To Maim the Monk: Ernest is assigned to fight against elites of the Monk Pirates.
  17. The Muggy Coast: Ernest fights Daddy L. Legs alongside Marco and Bambina.
  18. Pacifist: Ernest fights against William Parker evenly.
  19. Rocking Like a Hurricane: Ernest fights against Poe evenly.
  20. 20.0 20.1 Beyond the Scope: Ernest defeats Garfield Bun in a single attack.
  21. Gathering: Naosaki Jun considers Ernest a viable candidate for Admiral.
  22. Outbreak of Shadows#Arrival_of_Justice: Herculean Leo believes Ernest is worthy of the Admiral post.
  23. Battle of El Dorado#Spider_in_a_Fox's_Web: Daddy L. Legs praises Ernest's potential and ability.
  24. Beyond the Scope: Artis comments on Ernest's skill and believes he'll be a good test for Shiguma.
  25. Exposed Secrets: Dao reveals that Ernest was part of the Pacifista project.
  26. Robotic Anger: Ernest vividly remembers being a failure of Talia.
  27. An Ernest Reunion: Henrietta notices Ernest "went through" with the project.
  28. Trial and Error: Ernest overwhelms Azrael in speed and strength before Azrael finally manages to keep up with him.
  29. Trial and Error: Amrita, Ernest, and Azrael recollect their past.
  30. Spider in a Fox's Web: Ernest's powers are displayed primarily as physical enhancements and elemental blasts, against Daddy L. Legs.
  31. Trial and Error: Ernest's body cycles energy as it fights against Azrael.
  32. An Ernest Reunion: Ernest comments he went through with the modifications.
  33. Trial and Error: Ernest changes fighting styles mid-fight with minimal issues beyond a speed penalty.
  34. Trial and Error: Seastone stalagmites appear from Ernest's body due to the heat.
  35. Trial and Error: Ernest protects himself against a very powerful attack by Azrael with minimal damage to himself, albeit at the cost of his Seastone armor.
  36. An Ernest Reunion: Henrietta touches Ernest and feels a slight stamina reduction.
  37. Pacifist: Ernest keeps up with Parker's extremely swift kinetic energy attacks.
  38. The Muggy Coast: Ernest manages to narrowly react to Legs' overwhelmingly swift first strike.
  39. Trial and Error: Ernest attacks from the front, disappears to reappear behind Azrael, and then finishes "Waxing Moon" with a Rankyaku-style attack from both sides.
  40. 40.0 40.1 Trial and Error: Ernest makes one continuous movement even while slashing Azrael in half, performing "Crossing Ears."
  41. The Muggy Coast: Ernest barely pushes away Koyuki's fist after greatly enhancing his physical power.
  42. Trial and Error: Ernest partially blocks one of Azrael's attacks with little injury.
  43. Pacifist: Ernest uses a combination of Rankyaku Makigai into Tobu Shigan: Kiju.
  44. Trial and Error: Ernest clashes against Azrael's Shigan and Soru.
  45. Hollow Data, Full Memories: Ernest speaks to Alexis about justice.
  46. Hollow Data, Full Memories: Ernest speaks to Varius about justice.